AB Tutor Version 9 – Lite Subscription (under 25 Tutors)

As with a site licence, the site licence subscription allows you to install as many tutor programs as required but gives you the option of an annual cost which includes version upgrades while the subscription is active.

AB Tutor is the perfect teaching tool for networked classrooms and labs, allowing you to simply and effectively control, manage, monitor, demonstrate, support and collaborate with your students.

Computers in the classroom have created amazing opportunities for learning, but they can also create distractions. The Web, Facebook, email and games just to name a few are a constant temptation for even the most focused students.

$1,045.00 ex. gst

As with a site licence, the site licence subscription allows you to install as many tutor programs as required but gives you the option of an annual cost which includes version upgrades while the subscription is active.